Friday, March 5, 2010

Should I save the pulp?

Question: Can I save the pulp from the juicer and then blend it together to get the benefits of the fiber?

Linda Yo:

If you are trying to lose weight and reduce your LDL cholesterol at the same time, I would recommend you to eat the fruit, instead of processing them.

1. Eating the whole fruit will 'force' your digestion system to work harder, thus increase your metabolism.

2. Eating the whole fruit will also make you feel fuller than drinking the juice, thus it will help you control your appetite.

3. If you like to drink juice, yes, save the pulp and blend it together so you won't lose the fiber. Soluble fiber in vegetable & fruit lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. There is also another type of fiber that is called resistant starch which is beginning to gain popularity in England & Australia because it produces more satiety, associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

4. If you'd like to learn more about the benefit of resistant starch and how to lose weight without dieting, you can watch my video on YouTube:

Stay healthy,
Linda Yo
Certified Weight Consultant
Author of Asian Slim Secrets

Recent testimonials

“I lost 9.6 lbs from Dec 12 to Jan 10.
People couldn’t believe it.
They said “Nobody loses that
kind of weight over the Christmas
and New Year Holidays.
Yes you do if you follow Linda Yo’s
weight loss method. I enjoyed food,
stay full and yet I lost weight.”

-Ken Blanchard, co-author The One Minute Manager,
Raving Fans and Gung Ho

Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Increase Your Metabolic Rate

Someone ask me today, how she can increase her metabolic rate. I thought some readers might have the same question.

Question: Can we do anything to increase the metabolic rate ?

Answer: Hi Diane,

If you do strength training exercise, you will strengthen & build your muscles. Those muscles will increase your metabolic rate, even when you stop exercising. That's why in my book, I recommend simple strength training exercises. These exercises will strengthen your muscles but will not make you look bulky.

Stay healthy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Favorite Guru

My 2 favorite gurus are Tony Robbins and Mark Joyner. If you truly want to improve your life, listen to these 2 masters. Mark is coming up with a business coaching program. It must be awesome.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why the Starvation Diet doesn’t Work

To lose weight, many of us have tried fasting or skipping meals and we know that it doesn’t work. When we fast, our bodies think we are starving. The body then tries to conserve energy by slowing down its metabolism. Slower metabolism means the body burns less energy during daily activities. This is why people on prolonged fasting will hit a plateau in their weight loss.

When we return to our normal eating patterns, it takes a while for our bodies to adjust from the slower metabolism to our regular metabolism. During the adjustment period, we will have surplus calories which our bodies store as fat.

What Works?

Experts agree that the best diet plan is to reduce calorie intake by a small amount, about 500–1000 calories, every day. Since one pound is equal to 3500 calories, you will lose 1–2 pounds a week or 4–8 pounds a month

Studies show that the people who lose weight slowly with a healthy diet are more likely to maintain their healthy weight for a long term.

What you can do to reduce your calorie intake:

• Start your meal with a clear vegetable soup as your appetizer. Add plenty of vegetables to your soup. Cabbage, carrot, celery, cauliflower and mushroom are high in fiber content and very low in calories.

• Combine your meal with brown basmati rice. Brown basmati rice is filing and it's high in fiber and resistant starch content, thus, it will keep you full for a long time.

• When making omelettes or other recipes that require eggs, replace an an egg yolk with two egg whites. An egg yolk contains more calories and high in cholesterol content while an egg white is very low in calories content, only 16 calories and no cholesterol.

About the author: Linda Yo is a certified weight consultant and the author of Asian Slim Secrets: Enjoy Food, Stay Slim Naturally! Linda gained 25 lbs in 3 months upon her arrival in the US. She failed at every method before she rediscovered the benefit of her traditional diet. Amazed by the results, she spent 18 years to research about the benefit of Asian diet and shares the secrets in her new book, Asian Slim Secrets. To read free chapters of "Asian Slim Secrets" go to

Friday, April 17, 2009

Slim Down with Asian Style Noodles

In Japan and South Korea, the obesity rate is very low, only 3%. The people there eat noodles as one of their staple foods. Noodle soup is a common breakfast and snack in Asian countries.

Why eating noodles can help you slim down?

• They are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates (good carbs). Like rice, they provide a crucial energy source for our brain and body cells. Eating noodles may alleviate our body cravings for high-calorie sweets.

• When cooked, they absorb a lot of water. The water content of noodles or pasta is 70%, about the same as steamed rice. Noodles and pasta are bulky so they fill us up.

• They are rich in B vitamins, niacin and iron.

• They contain resistant starch which increases fat metabolism in our bodies.

In Asia, noodles are comfort foods, usually eaten with soup. Another alternative is to stir-fry them with 1 or 2 tablespoons of oil, which does increase the calorie content. However, fried noodles are usually eaten with thinly sliced meats and lots of vegetables, making it overall a healthy low-calorie meal.

Noodles and pasta are good for you as long as you prepare them as the Asians do. Avoid or reduce oily and creamy sauces.

Quick & Delicious Noodle Soup

Servings: 4
Noodles and vegetables in clear chicken broth.

12 ounces Japanese udon noodles or pasta of your
6 ounces skinless boneless chicken breast or imitation
crabmeat, sliced thin
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon minced ginger
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
4 cups water
2 tablespoons chicken broth powder
4 ounces mushrooms or shitake mushrooms, sliced
1 cup bok choy or green leafy vegetable of your choice,
2 stalks green onions, chopped
2 tablespoon sake or white wine

Prepare noodles as directed by the package. Drain and set aside.

Heat oil in the pan, stir-fry ginger and garlic for 30
seconds. Add chicken and soy sauce, and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

Add water, chicken broth, mushrooms, bok choy, and green onions; simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the noodles and sake. Serve.

Linda Yo is a certified weight consultant and the author of Asian Slim Secrets. Linda gained 25 lbs in 3 months upon her arrival in the US. She failed at every method before she rediscovered the benefit of her traditional diet. Amazed by the results, she spent 18 years to research about the benefit of Asian diet and shares the secrets in her new book, Asian Slim Secrets. Her phenomenal weight loss method has received praised from medical professionals, celebrities and the media. To read free chapters of "Asian Slim Secrets" go to

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Slim Down with Resistant Starch

Some starchy foods such as white bread, crackers, donuts and pancakes can easily turn into sugar in our body, thus they can easily make us fat. However starchy grains and vegetables are not fattening, especially those that are rich in resistant starches.

Not many people, even doctors in the US know about resistant starch yet but it is beginning to gain popularity in England and Australia. According to experts from Oxford University, in the past it was thought that all starch in food is digested and absorbed by the human body. However current research has discovered that a significant portion of starch cannot be digested by our stomach and it will be expelled from our body. That portion of starch is called resistant starch. So when we eat foods that are rich in resistant starch, we actually get a discount in calories!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Asians Avoid Salmonella Poisoning

I grew up in South East Asia where the risk of getting Salmonella infection is very high. In some Asian countries, there is no regulation for off-the-street food vendors and small scale food processing facilities.

However the Asian cooking technique helps prevent salmonella infection. These are a few tips that can help you avoid Salmonella poisoning and also lose weight at the same time:

• Heat it up
When Asians make peanut sauce, they add some water to ground peanuts or peanut butter and cook until it is boiling. According to the USDA, you destroy the Salmonella bacteria when you heat up your food to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. So you can add a small amount of water to peanut butter, mix it and heat it up in the microwave until it is boiling.
The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit; so you can enjoy peanut butter without the fear of getting a Salmonella infection.

• Slice it
When cooking meat, slice it into thin pieces. Cut 1/8 inch thin across the grain. The thinly sliced meat will cook quickly and evenly, thus reducing the risk of getting Salmonella infection. By slicing meat into thin pieces, you can also get rid of the fat marble that is in the middle of the meat easily, thus reducing your intake of saturated fat.

• Steam or stir fry it
Asians steam or stir fry their vegetable dishes in high heat, about 200 degrees for two to five minutes. If you do this you will destroy the Salmonella bacteria and at the same time still preserve most of the vitamins because of the short cooking time. Steaming and stir frying vegetables is also healthy because you only use water or a little vegetable oil compared to high fat salad dressing.